Tuesday, May 19, 2009

WTF? David Blaine??!!

I was surfing over at Youtube when I came across this spoof on David Blaine's Street Magic series. When I first watched it, I thought it was the real deal until well, just watch the show.


Tamil Tiger Leader Body Found - MalaysiaKini SMS 19/05/09

19/5: Sri Lanka state TV showed footage of what it said was body of V Prabhakaran, which bore close resemblance to the Tamil Tigers leader./MKINI
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Privileges Committee Suspends Khir Toyo - MalaysiaKini SMS 19/05/09

19/5: S'gor assembly Privileges Committee suspends opposition leader Khir Toyo a year for not attending hearings and for blog postings./MKINI
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Uthayakumar No Show With Advisory Panel - MalaysiaKini SMS 19/05/09

19/5: Hindraf leader P Uthayakumar does not turn up for a scheduled meeting with the advisory panel at the Kamunting Detention Camp today./MKINI
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Anwar : BN Admits Defeat - MalaysiaKini SMS 19/05/09

19/5: Anwar Ibrahim says BN's decision not to contest the Penanti by-election means BN finally admits it is beaten in its own heartland./MKINI
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Tamil Tigers: Prabhakaran Alive And Well - MalaysiaKini SMS 19/05/09

19/5: Tamil Tigers deny that their leader Velupillai Prabhakaran has been killed by the Sri Lankan military, saying he is alive and well./MKINI
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